這個週末開始就算春假了,總共孩子們會放一個星期的假,報紙 Toronto Star 上面也介紹了一些春假在多倫多過的點子,便宜且好玩的。大部分都是全家四個人 $20以內的。
第一個是TTC 提供 Family Day Pass 只要 $9 。
Downsview Park 提供一個免費的春假活動 "Spring Thaw" 上面說是互動好玩又有教育意義的活動。有野生物,科學,運動與自然,孩童年紀 6 to 9。March 10-14, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 須先註冊 416-952-2222 , downsviewpark.ca, Carl Hall Rd. in North York.
Riverdale Farm : 可參觀或參與一些農場家事,擠羊奶,擠牛奶(每天十點半),收雞蛋,刷馬等。。 March 10-14, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., 416-392-6794 , toronto.ca/parks, 201 Winchester St.
Crawford Lake Conservation Area : 這個重建15世紀印地安人Iroquoian 的村莊, 還可以品嘗玉米粉麵包沾楓糖,做工藝等等。March 8-16, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. maple syrup presentation at 1:30 p.m., $6 per person, children under 4 free, 905-854-0234 , extension 221; conservationhalton.on.ca; Steeles Ave. and Guelph Line.
Playground Paradise : 孩童12歲以下,兩層樓的遊戲室,有螺旋滑梯,swing on the track ride climb the cargo elevator, talk to friends on the talk tube and play in the ball pool with 8,000 balls. March 10, 12 and 14, times vary by age, $2 per hour per child, 416-395-6014 , Flemingdon Park Community Centre, 150 Grenoble Dr.
Toronto Track and Field Centre: York 大學田徑中心,公眾可以直接去,York University centre 有 an indoor sprint track, banked oval track and two weight rooms. March 10-15, call for daily hours, $3 for under 17, $5 for adults, 416-392-2522 , 4700 Keele St.
The Wave Pool 坡浪泳池:多倫多唯一的波浪泳池, 也有個游泳池, or a 還有35米高的水滑梯 March 10-16, call for daily hours, $18 for a group of five, 905-508-9283 , richmondhill.ca, Lois Hancey Aquatic Centre, 5 Hopkins St., Richmond Hill.
Fun at Queen's Park 省議會園區:開放參觀,孩童還有個互動導覽,Scavenger hunts, craft activities and more 會讓 6-12 歲的孩童不會無聊. March 10-14, 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., free with registration and adult accompaniment, 416-325-7500 , www.ontla.on.ca, 111 Wellesley St.W., Main Legislative Building.
Ripley's Urban Rail Park 都會滑冰公園:要自備頭盔與裝備。要八歲以上,有為各種技術等級安排活動,Call for daily hours, $9.99 for a day pass to the Skateboard Park and $19.99 for a day pass to the Skateboard and Snowboard Park. ticketbreak.com, 416-461-3625 , extension 244; polsonpier.com, 1 Polson St., Toronto.
Rogers Centre Spring Fling 室內嘉年華:Canada's largest annual indoor carnival, with 21 rides, midway games and an indoor skating rink (bring your own skates). Until March 16, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., $20 all-day ride ticket, ages 8 and up; $14 all-day child ride ticket, ages 2 to 7; $30 for an all-week photo ride pass. rogerscentre.com, Rogers Centre.