Saturday, June 26, 2010







Saturday, June 12, 2010





一個中央冷暖氣系統設置不當的房子會造成很大的浪費,改正成本不低,朋友圈中有人在High Park 附近買到這樣的房子最後賠售,因為拆開天花,重新配風管系統,更新機房的防火與排風,替換冷暖氣機,加裝溫控,加濕,濾清等設備,然後重新裝潢,費用很難在5萬元以內,如果房子還有室內高度的限制,無法架設風管,或是需要換裝窗戶,屋頂牆壁與地下室等的絕緣等等,那費用就難以估計了。

根據上次的能源查核,我已經先完成壁爐的改善,接下來是替換略嫌老舊的中央冷暖氣機具,根據政府補助的要求,兩者都必須是高效能機種,補助金額按照暖氣的年效能決定,效能超過92%的省與中央各別補助$375,超過94%則增加到$790。至於冷氣也有補助,按照效能指數SEER超過14.5 ,省跟中央各$250,但是這些高效能冷暖氣的成本較高。

(我的低效能舊冷氣,其實它是個Heat Pump,工人說已經看不出來有多老,他們猜至少25年)



雖然高效能冷暖氣機節約能源,但是設備成本高,是否划算視使用的程度而定,按多倫多的氣候,我計算發現效益與費用大概相抵,加計政府補助才變得有利。高效能暖氣節省天然氣,以95%的高效能跟82%的中效能暖氣相比,若一年六個月的暖氣使用$900的天然氣取暖,一年可以節省$120左右,另方面高效能17 SEER冷氣大概可以比中效能13 SEER節省22%電費,一年估計可省約$30,總計一年節省$150,以冷暖氣的20年壽命來說,大概也只折合現值$2000元,這回收只夠補償高效能機種較高的售價。但是加上政府補助就完全扭轉,以我為例,另外取得$2050的政府補助讓換新冷暖氣變得非常划算。




我找的商家是 Mississauga HomeComfort ,905- 615-0880 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              905- 615-0880      end_of_the_skype_highlighting 幫我服務的是 Eric Bakhiary。我們的機種是Carrier Performance 96 (80K BTU) and Carrier Comfort 17 (2.5 Tons)。

Saturday, June 5, 2010






Canadian employment growth beats expectations; 24,700 jobs added in May

Fri Jun 4, 10:41 AM

Julian Beltrame, The Canadian Press

By Julian Beltrame, The Canadian Press

OTTAWA - The Canadian economy keeps outperforming expectations and most of the industrialized world in its ability to create jobs.

Statistics Canada reported Friday that another 24,700 jobs were added to the labour force last month, about 10,000 more than economists had forecast. After April's shower of jobs — 108,000 — the May flowering may appear modest but underlying the headline was a string of positives, economists said.

Full-time employment increased by 67,300, the private sector added 43,400 workers and employers added 52,800 jobs, basically taking 28,000 out of the self-employment ranks.

The loss of 42,500 part-time jobs was also likely a positive indicator because the larger pick-up in full-time work suggests that employers are adding on hours as they ramp up production.

"This is very, very solid. There's no other way to characterize it after a record April," said economist Benjamin Reitzes of BMO Capital Markets.

"It just highlights the domestic strength in the Canadian economy despite all the stuff going on all over the world, the weakness in financial markets and continued worries out of Europe ."

Even the summer labour market for students showed signs of normalizing, with 54,000 more students aged 20 to 24 finding employment last month, an increase of 3.1 percentage points compared to May 2009 when the economy was in the throes of a deep slump.

The Canadian data looks even better compared to the United States , where employment grew a disappointing 431,000 — almost all accounted for by temporary hiring of census takers.

The bottom line is that Canada has now recouped 310,000 of the total number of jobs it lost during last year's recession, or about 75 per cent, while the U.S. has only begun to make a dent in the 8.5 million jobs that disappeared.

Last week, Statistics Canada reported that Canada 's economy had expanded by 6.1 per cent during the first quarter, and April and May's numbers suggest growth is continuing.

"The strong report provides further evidence that the labour market is getting back to health and warrants tighter monetary policy," said Krishen Rangasamy of CIBC.

Earlier in the week, Bank of Canada governor Mark Carney became the first among G7 central bankers to move off record-low interest rates, although he hedged whether he would continue to tighten in upcoming months.

Though Rangasamy added that the ongoing U.S. weakness coupled with withdrawal of stimulus likely portends of slowing of economic and job growth in Canada later this year.

Canadian shouldn't expect to see the unemployment rate to show dramatic improvement from the current 8.1 per cent, where it was last month as well, over the rest the year, he said. May's job growth did not move the jobless rate because more Canadians are returning to the labour market in the expectation that work is now available.

If there was a soft spot in the May numbers it was that the goods-producing sector, including construction and manufacturing, was relatively flat, although both had experienced gains of late.

"All said, the latest employment data confirms a relatively strong domestic economic recovery that has begun to mature — where incremental gains diminish while becoming self-sustaining," said TD Bank senior economist Pascal Gauthier.

The Canadian dollar was unmoved by the good news, dropping 0.76 cents to 95.28 cents US over concern about the European debt crisis and dipping oil prices.

The government agency said the key gains last month came in the transportation and warehousing industries, as well as health care and social assistance, and public administration.

There were setbacks in the accommodation and food services sector, information, culture and recreation, and in natural resources.

Regionally, Quebec, Saskatchewan, British Columbia and Prince Edward Island saw employment fall back, although only the last two by significant amounts relative to their population. Big job gains occurred in Ontario , 17,700 gain, and Alberta , 14,700.