Canadian employment growth beats expectations; 24,700 jobs added in May
Fri Jun 4, 10:41 AM
Julian Beltrame, The Canadian Press
By Julian Beltrame, The Canadian Press
OTTAWA - The Canadian economy keeps outperforming expectations and most of the industrialized world in its ability to create jobs.
Statistics Canada reported Friday that another 24,700 jobs were added to the labour force last month, about 10,000 more than economists had forecast. After April's shower of jobs — 108,000 — the May flowering may appear modest but underlying the headline was a string of positives, economists said.
Full-time employment increased by 67,300, the private sector added 43,400 workers and employers added 52,800 jobs, basically taking 28,000 out of the self-employment ranks.
The loss of 42,500 part-time jobs was also likely a positive indicator because the larger pick-up in full-time work suggests that employers are adding on hours as they ramp up production.
"This is very, very solid. There's no other way to characterize it after a record April," said economist Benjamin Reitzes of BMO Capital Markets.
"It just highlights the domestic strength in the Canadian economy despite all the stuff going on all over the world, the weakness in financial markets and continued worries out of Europe ."
Even the summer labour market for students showed signs of normalizing, with 54,000 more students aged 20 to 24 finding employment last month, an increase of 3.1 percentage points compared to May 2009 when the economy was in the throes of a deep slump.
The Canadian data looks even better compared to the United States , where employment grew a disappointing 431,000 — almost all accounted for by temporary hiring of census takers.
The bottom line is that Canada has now recouped 310,000 of the total number of jobs it lost during last year's recession, or about 75 per cent, while the U.S. has only begun to make a dent in the 8.5 million jobs that disappeared.
Last week, Statistics Canada reported that Canada 's economy had expanded by 6.1 per cent during the first quarter, and April and May's numbers suggest growth is continuing.
"The strong report provides further evidence that the labour market is getting back to health and warrants tighter monetary policy," said Krishen Rangasamy of CIBC.
Earlier in the week, Bank of Canada governor Mark Carney became the first among G7 central bankers to move off record-low interest rates, although he hedged whether he would continue to tighten in upcoming months.
Though Rangasamy added that the ongoing U.S. weakness coupled with withdrawal of stimulus likely portends of slowing of economic and job growth in Canada later this year.
Canadian shouldn't expect to see the unemployment rate to show dramatic improvement from the current 8.1 per cent, where it was last month as well, over the rest the year, he said. May's job growth did not move the jobless rate because more Canadians are returning to the labour market in the expectation that work is now available.
If there was a soft spot in the May numbers it was that the goods-producing sector, including construction and manufacturing, was relatively flat, although both had experienced gains of late.
"All said, the latest employment data confirms a relatively strong domestic economic recovery that has begun to mature — where incremental gains diminish while becoming self-sustaining," said TD Bank senior economist Pascal Gauthier.
The Canadian dollar was unmoved by the good news, dropping 0.76 cents to 95.28 cents US over concern about the European debt crisis and dipping oil prices.
The government agency said the key gains last month came in the transportation and warehousing industries, as well as health care and social assistance, and public administration.
There were setbacks in the accommodation and food services sector, information, culture and recreation, and in natural resources.
Regionally, Quebec, Saskatchewan, British Columbia and Prince Edward Island saw employment fall back, although only the last two by significant amounts relative to their population. Big job gains occurred in Ontario , 17,700 gain, and Alberta , 14,700.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆06/07/2010 11:39:51]新移民即將面對的就業市場比起一年多來好很多,對他們是好消息。
經濟好轉對新移民來說應該是件好事, 比較有機會可以投入就業市場, 可是加幣不知道會不會越來越強勢, 現在用台幣來買加幣真的很貴, 不知道要從何下手才好??
ReplyDelete[版主回覆06/07/2010 12:20:33]加拿大主要的經濟動脈是美國對她的製造業與自然資源的需求,製造業以汽車工業最重要,佔生產毛額的12%,要預測加拿大貨幣的升貶要去預測這些產業的未來動向,石油與天然氣的價格隨經濟復甦會越來越貴,這會造成加幣升值的壓力,但是汽車製造還在谷底,我是覺得加幣貶值的機會比較小,尤其是往後的一年,我想這對你比較相關。
ReplyDelete[版主回覆06/07/2010 12:27:11]你高估了政府對於提昇人民財富的能力,加拿大政黨政治永遠不對產生強勢領導的中央政府,然後對經濟發展產生絕對的影響力,加拿大是個自由經濟體,一切都隨國際經濟環境走。
加拿大的天然限制是經濟與美國息息相關,將近八成的出口去美國,美國經濟低迷,加拿大就只好過苦日子。雖然是G7 中的小弟,但是還是好過絕大部分世界其他國家。
[版主回覆06/08/2010 07:18:12]民主國家在政黨競爭之下,執政黨總是藉由公共與福利支出來取悅選民,大量舉債,最後造成政府收支無法平衡,過去這樣的國家的幣值就會大貶,就好像公司可能破產,股票價格大跌一樣,但是現在這些歐洲國家用的是歐元,沒有自己的貨幣,結果就是現在這樣,拖垮大家。
您覺得現在加幣30.66可以買一些嗎? 上週只有一天我差點買到30.05..結果沒注意台銀時間剛好接近3:30. 我差了2-3秒沒即時按到確定買入就沒買成. 結果從那天起到現在都沒那麼低了. 甚至上週五飆到31.22~~ 不過加拿大經濟復甦還真是個好消息~~
ReplyDelete[版主回覆06/08/2010 07:19:27]我的生活重心沒有在這方面,我個人投資不看漲跌,因為我根本看不準。
[版主回覆06/09/2010 09:40:08]的確,歐盟的成立最早的成功例子是空中巴士,集合了所有歐洲航空業的菁英,各國分工合作,最後才能與美國波音分庭抗禮,發展出區域合作以對抗國際競爭,這樣的成功模式擴展到成立歐洲共同市場與統一貨幣就發生嚴重的問題,結果一個國家的財稅與公共支出的揮霍卻要整個區域分攤,歐盟如果無法強制約束會員國藉由減少開支以償還債務,歐盟會走不下去。
您說得也對啦. 投資如果只看漲跌那還真是短見短視. 哈哈只是我昨天沒買. 加幣今天又漲到30.8囉~~ 如果有預知未來的能力不知有多好? 本人又在作大夢了!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆06/09/2010 09:55:56]每個人都希望能預測未來,但是你我只是凡人,還是專注選擇不容易受漲跌影響的投資比較有勝算。例如移民加拿大,這個國家自然資源豐富,人口稀少,各國移民不斷帶來財富,在這裡工作到退休然後正當的享受社會福利,只用台北公寓的價格享受透天大別墅與藍天綠地的好環境,也是不怕漲跌的好投資,
猴子大哥: 您說得對極了. 移民加拿大本身就是個不怕漲跌的好投資.. 我都忘了自己已投資了這麼好的事囉.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆06/10/2010 12:31:39]歡迎來加拿大生活,希望你會喜歡這個地方。
ReplyDelete[版主回覆06/16/2010 08:01:44]恭喜!更高興聽到你的觀察心得,加拿大競爭弱勢是勞工的生產力,雖然勞動參與率比美國高,工作時數也不低,但是員工生產力卻低於美國,有解釋說加拿大公司對於科技的投資較低,我的理解卻是加拿大公司對海外擴張的經驗低,無法像美國那樣掌握高率潤的機會。