Thursday, December 1, 2005




May 24, 2002







1. 如何協助孩子適應加拿大的教育?

2. 英文不好的成人如何在加拿大學習英文?

3. 如何學習加拿大式的生活,讓自己能儘快融入那個社會?

4. 台灣人如何在加拿大就業,或發展自己的事業?


"Genhone Lin" <> wrote in message
> 第二,為了給孩子更好的教育,學習英語,培養國際觀,脫離台灣填鴨式的教育,與多元化入學的全面科舉制度

I'm a beneficiary of this.  I did not do well with the "memorize" style in Taiwan...but loved and did well in the "teach the kids on how to think" style here.

> 1. 如何協助孩子適應加拿大的教育?

Learning the language (English and/or French) will not be difficult for children.
But what is important is for them (and yourselves) to be surrounded with not just Taiwanese/Chinese people and way-of-living, but all the other people/cultures that
co-exist here (e.g., Toronto, one of the most multi-cultural city) Especially when you first move to Canada and can't speak English very well and haven't able to grasp the Canadian way-of-living yet.

When I first immigrated here with my family, there wasn't any Taiwanese in my neighbourhood and school.  And because I couldn't speak Cantonese, I wasn't able to mix into the HK crowd.  Therefore I was *forced* to mix in and make friends with CBC (Canadian Born Chinese), Canadians and other races of new Canadians/immigrants.
That made me learn English and the cultures much quicker and better.

In the last few years, I have had the opportunity to re-expose myself to the Taiwanese/Chinese way-of-living because of the growth of Taiwanese immigrants here.
I truly appreciate and enjoy being fluent in both...

One more note, and this is my theory based on what I've observed: because of the massive # of other Chinese immigrants here, many of them were able to stick to their own folks friends, way-of-living).  But that also means many of them weren't able to or tried to mix-in with the rest of the city and people.  And to me, that is a shame and a waste...I have some friends of mine these days who are learning many *Canadian* things from me...such as slang or hockey or other cultures and the likes...and some of them have been living here even longer than I have.  I agree that you have to maintainyour own root/culture, but learning about what else is around you is just as important, because I believe learning and understanding others around you helps foster and harmonize your relationships and life in general.

> 2. 英文不好的成人如何在加拿大學習英文?

There are many (free) ESL classes offered by the city, or even some by the Taiwanese association.  My parents both utilized the ESL classes when we first came, to not only learn English, but also to meet non-Chinese friends and learn their cultures.  Watching TV, talking to others and so on also helps.  (What I thought helped myself in my early years here, was that I would be watching TV such as news or other shows, and mimic their mannerism, slang, etc.)

> 3. 如何學習加拿大式的生活,讓自己能儘快融入那個社會?

Same as my comments in (1) above.

> 4. 台灣人如何在加拿大就業,或發展自己的事業?

Having Canadian education (degree or diploma) definiately helps getting jobs. But I'd magine it's not impossible if you didn't.  I'm sure different professions may have different requirements...I'm afraid I don't have answers or comments about all of them.  If I can find anything that may be of help, I'll post them here.

Here are a few sites you may find useful:

- Alice

> 1. 如何協助孩子適應加拿大的教育?

So far as I know, 英文以外,都很容易.

> 2. 英文不好的成人如何在加拿大學習英文?

有免費的 Adult Learning Center,教到您高中畢業.
not only 高中英文, 還有 高中 數學,化學,生物,物理, IT Information Technology,
- but maybe not everywhere

> 3. 如何學習加拿大式的生活,讓自己能儘快融入那個社會?

語言 !

> 4. 台灣人如何在加拿大就業,或發展自己的事業?

neuro 神經囍囍



  1. 為什麼要移民:
    2. 英文不好的成人如何在加拿大學習英文?
    3. 如何學習加拿大式的生活,讓自己能儘快融入那個社會?
    A:我個人經驗,交個土生土長的加拿大男/女友 是最快的方式啦
    4. 台灣人如何在加拿大就業,或發展自己的事業?


  2. 咪喵,謝謝你分享經驗,我現在了解加拿大很大,容的下各種角度的謀生方式,只看自己願意與否,當時我急於了解的其實只能靠自己去體會,來將近四年了,我現在只想努力在加拿大工作,我發現在加拿大工作有很多台灣沒有的優點,其中我最感動的是,我的老闆比我還了解家庭的重要,還更想回家吃晚飯,也更在意休假,所以不需要革命,平衡的工作與家庭是這裡的常態。

  3. 你們全家考公民了嗎?

    我送件五個月,都還沒通知考試! 不知道還要等多久!?

    [版主回覆08/31/2007 20:06:22]I think you might need to wait for another 10 months if you are following our path. It took us about a whole year.

  4. 這個問題真是值得
    [版主回覆09/28/2007 00:12:42]Yes, it is the fundermental question.
