Sunday, December 16, 2007



雪從週五晚上開始下,週六算是見面禮,下了大概5 ~ 10公分,然後週日早上一起床,側門就要推雪才能打開,車道上滿滿的雪,不但昨天剷的雪全部又填滿,還外加一倍,我一早起床就出去剷雪,推著剛買的剷雪機,大概一個鐘頭後才把車道與人行道的雪剷開,可是雪還是不停的下,氣象報告說的真準,每個小時又是3公分左右,就這樣,下午又要出去與雪奮鬥,累的我需要補眠,醒來吃晚餐之後,又出去了一次。





  1. 打算長期住在加拿大
    花錢買一台 snow blower 真是明智之舉

    不過還好是 Sears 有特價

    現在,沒有這 blower 還不行
    especially, after city came plow the streets
    the whole pile of heavy snow right before driveway...
    thank God I have a snow blower!!

    [版主回覆12/18/2007 01:10:33]I feel the same way as you do. It is wonderful to have a snow blower for this storm. Otherwise, I don't know if I could still survive the hard work.
    I had been prolonging the purchase until last Saturday. At the beginning, I didn't feel it is necessary to have one because four of us can do the job easily. Now, with this blower, I can do most of the job by myself. My wife is definitely happier than ever.

  2. 在冰天雪地生活,真的很辛苦....這時候又覺得台北的天氣很舒服了!!
    [版主回覆12/18/2007 01:13:47]You are right. It is not easy in Winter. However, when the Summer comes, I will foget about all this and enjoy every minute of it. Cananda's summer is lot better than the one of Taiwan.

  3. 我看過這兒賣場的工作人員用鏟雪機,因為走道面積大!
    Enjoy your winter!
    [版主回覆12/18/2007 09:22:08]氣候溫和就不敢跟你們比了,溫哥華第一名啦!冬天聽說總是陰雨綿綿是嗎?像不像台灣的梅雨季節呢?

  4. 鏟雪很辛苦喔~   這樣的風雪也領教過一次~   可怕~
    [版主回覆12/18/2007 12:46:12]你家鄉在高雄嗎?那一定很難接受冷天氣,我們算習慣了。

  5. 車庫在後面喔!!那要鏟很多雪~~還好小孩也幫忙ㄟ!!
    讓我想起1993還是1992不太記得了 那年冬天也是破天荒的大雪~~連續下了60~70cm
    [版主回覆12/19/2007 00:21:32]Our small bungalow comes with this long driveway. I don't need to clean up the whole driveway if I don't want to move my car back into my garage. But, it is nicer to keep in the car to be easier in the morning.  Therefore, it becomes a killing job without a snow blower. Now, I am happier ever since.
    Hearing what you said, you know how hard it is to shovel snow.

  6. 我們從11月到現在也下過兩次了, 我看今年的冬天會很冷.
    [版主回覆12/19/2007 00:11:41]It is said to be the coldest winder in the last 15 years. I am still waiting to see some more extreme wealthers to come. I guess you don't mind seeing more snow there.

  7. 在台灣的我們看到雪景好羨慕...
    [版主回覆12/19/2007 00:28:34]In Toronto , you probably need to deal with this kind of heavy snow situation for less than a month from the 5-month long winter. But, it really depends on the year. Like last year, we had very little of snow. I can only recall twice or three times of snow that I need to shovel.

  8. 鏟雪真的好累喔,平常如果我自己一個人鏟雪都要一兩個小時,鏟完都腰酸背痛的.阿那答看我這個小女子鏟的太辛苦了,所以前兩年買了一台鏟雪機,只是買完只用過不到五次...因為前兩年沒啥大雪.只有這次覺得有買鏟雪機真是太好囉.
    [版主回覆12/19/2007 04:15:49]In Winter dealing with snow, 鏟雪機 is one's best friend. Victor did a right thing buying you one. I was very reluctant at the beginning because I know that I might be using it only a very few times a year. Now, after this snow storm, I am very happy about my decision.

  9. 請問1: 停在戶外的車子,被雪掩埋著, 還發得動嗎??  (很像颱風過後的泡水車)
    請問2: 在雪地甚至結冰路面, 車子是否一定要換雪地專用胎+turn on 雪地模式+四輪傳動...才可以開得比較正常??
    [版主回覆12/20/2007 00:58:57]Q1, you can still do it. It is no big deal, unless the temperature goes down to more than two digits sub zero.
    Q2, Snow tires help a lot. I don't feel that you need a 4x4 to cut the snow in cities.

  10. 看來,我也要開始存錢買鏟雪機.
    我通常都是自己出去鏟雪,每幾小時出去一次. 然後,隔天就會手臂痛,肩膀痛. 我家的兩個青少年很少幫忙的,除非我的偏頭痛又發病,他們才會意思意思的出去鏟個雪.
    [版主回覆12/20/2007 00:56:01]It is said that only the people of the following don’t need a snow blower:
    1. Don’t get much snow more than a few centimetres the whole Winter
    2. Your good neighbor already has one
    3. Your husband, sons, and daughters love shoveling snow which is usually not the case
    4. You hate exercising that you can’t run
    In you case, you sounds like you desperately need a snow blower.

  11. 很難想像大風雪~生活,真是太有變化了~祝你們一家子平安哦~
    [版主回覆01/16/2008 13:12:53]多倫多的雪其實在加拿大算小的,你看看其他加拿大的台灣人部落格,愛美麗她父親的家那裡就很多。

  12. 雪景的美,只可遠觀,而不可近玩...
    [版主回覆01/16/2008 13:14:03]對!近玩可能會讓你的手凍傷。
