Tuesday, January 31, 2006







Thursday, January 26, 2006

Happy Lunar New Year



I want to wish you a Happy Lunar New Year. And, just in case you don't know. Starting from this Friday and over the weekend, there will be a celebration activity in

Exhibition Center for the New Year. The following link will lead you to the details. Hope you have fun.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Winterlicious 冬季美食節

到二月七日止的兩個星期,多倫多有一個有趣的美食饗宴活動,你可以到一些著名的餐廳用平常 一半或三分之一的價格,享受一頓午餐或晚餐,我們去年參加過這項活動,非常喜歡,推薦你也去嘗試看看。


Living in Toronto, there is something very interesting in the following 2 weeks. Because winter is a long snow-covered season lasting around 5 months that tourists are rare, Toronto city government invented an activity to promote restaurants. It is called “Winterlicious” which literally combines “Winter” and “Delicious” together. During the following two weeks, the participating restaurants will provide special deals to attract more business. For instance, people can get as low as $15 for a set of lunch meal in a restaurant which usually cost more than $30 per person. Some fancy top-tier restaurants are also participating. The Canoe on the high floors of TD tower which is famous of Canadian delicacies is also on the list. The above link should give the details if you are interested.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006




保守黨在安大略省也大有長進,加上平原三省的大本營仍然大勝,總共席次領先自由黨21席,確定執政。自由黨的 Paul Martin 當晚就表示辭去黨主席的職位,非常有擔當的表示負責,台灣上次像這樣負責的主席是誰?我想不起來。





Sunday, January 22, 2006

RV(露營車) 展


露營車可以說是一個行動旅館,包含臥室,廚房,餐廳與浴廁,完美的結合車輛,以自走或是拖曳的方式,是一種經濟與輕鬆的旅遊方式。自走的露營住家(Motorome)是最高級的方式,但是體積龐大,而且價位過高,不是一般玩票性質的人願意負擔的,露營拖車(Trailer)則以拖曳的方式提供比較經濟的解決方案,雖然大拖車的體積也不小,但是拖曳的車輛一但放下拖車,就可以自由行動,比較方便,如果用小型的拖車,例如摺疊式拖車(Folding Trailer),則行動更方便,在停車場也可以輕易停車,只要使用貫穿的兩個車位。





Saturday, January 21, 2006


(by 大女兒) 每周六都要上中文課,我的中文老師很矮,嘴巴很大,一上課話就講不完,又非常的囉唆,一件簡單的事也能讓她講一個小時。所以我自然而然就想睡覺。她的聲音比吹眠曲還有效。上她的課好類喔。難道所有中文老師都很囉唆嗎?

Thursday, January 19, 2006


在 Toronto Star 上面讀到關於土耳其食物在多倫多的狀況,集中的區域在希臘區 Danforth,找機會再去試試看。

報導中說土耳其人喜歡的食物(我想辦法去查了資料) 有石榴汁



文章也提到兩種特別的食物,Pide ,Kumpir ,這我就沒吃過了,說Pide是一種八吋長的麵包船,裡面可以加上各種Topping,Kumpir 也一樣可以加上Topping,只不過用烤馬鈴薯代替麵包。

(註:我們去嘗試了,這裡有照片,第一張是Pede ,看起來有點恐怖,可是味道很好。Kumpir 就很好,看起來與實際品嘗都很可口)




Turkish Toronto

Jan. 18, 2006 . 06:36 AM



There's a Turkish triangle in the east end and it tastes like this: fresh lamb from Tahsin Market, kumpir (crazily topped baked potatoes) from Champion Kokorech, and sucuk (sausage) and egg pide from Pizza Pide.

The first two businesses are on the Danforth between Pape and Donlands. The third is at the corner of Pape and Gerrard.

Each is less than three years old, welcome proof that Toronto 's Turkish food offerings are finally coming of age.

There are 30,000 people from Turkey living here, according to the 2001 census. But community officials say there are 60,000 if you count all the Turks from various countries.

Things that Turks love from home — pomegranate juice and molasses, coffee (though tea's more popular now), sour cherry jam, dried figs, canned and dried okra, spices (like sumac, red pepper and black pepper), and, of course, Turkish delight.

Pide (pronounced pee-day) is a flatbread that's baked into an 8-inch-long boat shape. The menu lists 21 topping combos, revolving around ground beef, beef pieces, feta, lamb chunks, chicken strips and sausage. Most intriguing are the one with Turkish sausage and baked, sunny side up eggs

"A different taste" would accurately describe the kumpir at Champion Kokorech — the third tip of the Turkish triangle. Kumpir (baked potatoes topped with olives, pickles, corn, peas, ketchup, mayo and more) are so deliciously odd they get their own story. ("Hot potato, Turkish-style," D5.)

One aside: When you finish eating kumpir at Champion Kokorech (the sole spot in town that makes them) the owner will spray your hands with lemon cologne as you're leaving. It's a Turkish tradition.

Anyway, kumpir and pide (and home-cooked Turkish meals) go down well with ayran, a salted, fermented yogurt drink. But it's Turkish coffee, not ayran, that Hasan Yilmaz and I drink during an interview at Balkan Bistro (a nine-month-old Turkish restaurant near the AGO).

When Turks go out here, Yilmaz explains, it's to a handful of fast-food spots that specialize in kebabs and doners (a.k.a. shawarma/gyros, usually minced lamb or chicken moulded around a rotating vertical spit, slowly roasted and shaved off).

"Traditional Turkish food is not easy to make — it takes half a day to prepare," Yilmaz notes.

Only two Turkish-American cookbooks — The Sultan's Kitchen and Classical Turkish Cooking — are readily available in English and they're full of enticing but time-consuming dishes.

And yet, after enjoying Hünkar Begendi (stewed beef on smoky creamed eggplant) at Balkan Bistro, I'm grateful to find recipes for it (but with lamb instead of beef) in both these books. I haven't been to Turkey yet, but by the time I get there I'll have eaten and cooked most of its key dishes right here at home.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006










到今天,我才特別注意到知名的影星很多也是加拿大人,例如金凱利(Jim Carrey),星際迷行的寇克船長,Matrix的男主角(Keanu Reeves),神鬼傳奇(Mummy)的男主角(Bredan Fraser),還有我年輕時最欣賞的矮子影帝(Michael Fox),回到未來的男主角。原來加拿大也孕育出這麼多優秀的人才,可見這塊土地也是非常肥沃。


你可以到下列連結去看,真是很多(http://www.canadiancelebs.com/act.html),我非常欣賞Donald Sutherland,看過他幾部片子,不過都不記得名子。

Sunday, January 15, 2006


(BY: 大女兒: 海瑋)



“減福”的激烈運動就是滑雪。我只好穿上羽毛大衣,和家人往SnowValley,  Barrie 的方向開去。

一餐Wendy's 的漢堡,把肚子撐的大大的,真是舒服啊!但當天消化掉的卡路里也補回來了



Tuesday, January 10, 2006


今天報紙頭條都是昨天電視辯論的一些評論,整體而言,都相信執政的自由黨被保守黨打敗,目前支持率已經落後超過10個百分點(39% vs. 27% ) ,保守黨往超過半數邁進。










(Toronto Star) Tories head for majority

Poll shows `breakthrough' for party
`Significant growth' in Ontario, Quebec

Jan. 10, 2006. 06:28 AM



Conservatives are charting a course toward a majority on Jan. 23, according to a new national poll completed yesterday.

The survey, conducted by EKOS Research Associates for the Toronto Star and La Presse, shows Stephen Harper's Conservatives have sailed into majority government territory after a stunning week of rising popularity, largely at the expense of the Liberal party.

The EKOS survey of 1,240 Canadians through the weekend and yesterday found 39.1 per cent support for the Conservatives. The Liberals had 26.8 per cent support; the NDP 16.2 per cent; the Bloc Québécois 12.6 per cent; and Green party 4.6 per cent.

"This is the breakthrough Harper has been waiting for," EKOS president Frank Graves said.

In Ontario, the Conservatives have widened the gap to a 10-percentage-point lead over the Liberals. Of the 518 Ontarians surveyed, 43.8 per cent supported the Tories, 33.5 per cent the Liberals, 16.2 per cent the NDP, and 5.4 per cent the Greens.

Even in Quebec, the Conservatives are ahead of the Liberals. A total of 330 people were surveyed in that province and 19.1 per cent threw their support behind the Tories, compared with 17.4 per cent for the Liberals.

The Bloc, however, remains miles ahead with 52.4 per cent.

"The Conservatives' gains are nationwide, but their most significant growth is in Ontario, where they have surpassed the Liberals in their traditional heartland, and in Quebec, where they are now the leading federalist alternative to the Bloc Québécois," Graves said.

The national poll numbers are considered accurate within 2.8 percentage points 19 times out of 20. The margin of error in Ontario was 4.3 percentage points.

EKOS's Paul Adams said Harper's popularity is driving the surge. When those surveyed were asked who had the most positive vision for the future, the Conservative leader received 32 per cent support. Prime Minister Paul Martin had 20 per cent, the NDP's Jack Layton 16 per cent, and Bloc Leader Gilles Duceppe 10 per cent. "None of the above" registered 10 per cent and 12 per cent said they didn't know.

But premature talk of winning a majority of Parliament's 308 seats spooks the Conservatives. A party would have to win 155 seats to win a majority.

At dissolution, there were 133 Liberals in the House of Commons. The Tories held 98 seats, the Bloc Québécois 53 and the NDP 18. There were four Independents and two vacancies.

`This is the breakthrough Harper has been waiting for.' EKOS President Frank Graves

The Tories are well aware that after Harper predicted a majority win in June 2004, their political fortunes started a downward spiral in the last election.

"I'm certainly not going to be drawn into any questions that can be used to have me making predictions," Harper said during last night's English-language leaders' debate.

"My role here is not to be a political analyst. My role here is to explain to Canadians why we need a new government."

Following stories Sunday in the Star and the Toronto Sun about Harper hinting at a majority, right-wing blogs were abuzz with dark — and unsubstantiated — suggestions of a mainstream media conspiracy to stall the Tories' momentum.

Ironically, hours after refusing to rule out a Tory majority win, Harper criticized EKOS by name while chatting with reporters aboard his campaign plane in Hamilton on Saturday.

"They are, in my view, the least believable," he said. "Our people feel the momentum, but it is a statistical dead heat. ... There is over two weeks to go and a lot of things can happen. ... There is no certainty."

Graves said the "wild card" in the campaign now is how Canadians react to the potential of a Harper government — minority or majority.

"What happens when Canadians fully realize the Conservatives' current potential?" Graves asked.

"Will there be a bandwagon effect, as there was for Brian Mulroney in the 1984 campaign after he surged into the lead? Or will Harper succumb to a whiplash as he did in 2004 with many voters recoiling from the prospect of a Tory victory after a serious Liberal onslaught in the last weeks of the campaign."

On June 16, 2004 in Niagara Falls, Harper boasted there were "no safe Liberal seats for the Liberals any more," and said the Tories could win a majority. Less than two weeks later, the Liberals won a minority government.

The Liberals received 36.7 per cent of the popular vote in the June 28, 2004 election. The Conservatives garnered 29.6 per cent of the vote, the NDP 15.7 per cent, the Bloc 12.4 per cent and the Greens 4.3 per cent.

Graves said the apparent Conservative breakthrough in Quebec is "especially astonishing," heralding the possible return of the Tories as a truly national party.

But he warned that because the Harper Conservatives are poised to win some seats in Quebec, the media spotlight will be on the aloof Harper more than ever before. Graves stressed that the party's growth in Quebec is inherently fragile.

With files from Robert Benzie

Monday, January 9, 2006











From what you have written, I understand that you are getting there. At least, you now know the real situation. Getting a job in Canada for immigrants is de facto difficult. The best way is to get focused and act as quickly as possible. You should decide what kind of jobs in Canada you have the best chance in landing one. With this in mind, and then go on do job searching. Be reminded, it is not the job you would like to have but the job you have the best chance to have.

Now you know that, without Canadian experience, chances are slim. And, most job openings don't even come to the market. This is why people helping immigrants in finding employment suggest concentrating on networking. Through whatever chances, you should go on meeting people. Let them know who you are and what kind of jobs you are finding.

Cold calling is a great idea. You can get the first hand experience with the companies you are interested. You can meet with people over there and might get a person willing to help you and inform you about any opening.

Meet with recruitment agencies is anther great ideas. Not like Taiwan, Canada has a lot of this kind of companies helping the employer finding out suitable candidates.

There are too much to talk about. You are on the right tract of getting training. They will help you understand more of the above-mentioned tactics. Good luck.

Sunday, January 8, 2006

Friday, January 6, 2006


這裡列出了我們在加拿大生活三年的一些影片,是我們自己用攝影機拍了之後用電腦剪輯而成,我的攝影技術很多學自DV World 的一些前輩,感謝DV World 讓我有地方發表。若你有興趣欣賞,按照下列連結過去,影片上有一個影片下載按鈕,按下後,選擇儲存檔案,(註:若你有寬頻再嘗試,用撥接上網千萬不要,太慢了),下載後,電腦若有Windows Media Player 就可以打開檔案播放,希望不會讓你睡著。



第一年的生活: 我們全家在2002年的夏天移民到加拿大,落腳在多倫多,為了讓親朋好友瞭解我們的狀況,同時也?子孫留下紀錄,所以就把平時拍攝的DV影片剪輯成這個短片,介紹這個新家的點滴,我們全家共同參與整個剪輯,配樂,與旁白的製作都很快樂,很幸運能參加DV的園地,讓我們有了共同的嗜好,在此呈現給DV World 的朋友觀看,技術上有需改進的地方還請指教,非常感謝。


第二年的生活: 這影片總結我們移民加拿大的第二年,在多倫多生活旅遊的點滴,觀眾可以了解移民生活的片段,並且欣賞加拿大的風光。


第三年暑假旅遊:這是2004年夏天我們到加拿大安大略省的Fathon Five National Park旅遊的說明,希望讓你了解這裡的美麗景色


Thursday, January 5, 2006


I found the following message in Toronto City government web site. It seems valuable to the new comers. Please have a look. (http://www.toronto.ca/employment/life_tps/diversity.htm)


Mentoring Immigrant Program: Profession to Profession
In response to employment barriers faced by internationally trained professionals, the City, in partnership with various community agencies, conducts a program that matches experienced professionals of the Toronto Public Service (mentors) with internationally educated immigrant professionals (mentees). Mentors provide advice and guidance to assist the mentees in finding employment in their fields of expertise. The pilot program met its objective, with over 60 percent of the mentees finding suitable employment. Over 91 percent of the mentees said the mentoring relationship was a positive experience for them, and 90 percent of the mentors said they would participate again in the program.

Based on the success of the pilot project, the program has been implemented on a wider scale in 2005 to include additional occupational professions including human resources, financial analysts, purchasing, facilities and real estate. For more information, visit the City’s Mentoring site.

For 2005, forty City staff have been matched with skilled immigrants seeking employment in the same occupation. Meetings take place at the mentor's office during work hours. The goal of the program is to provide the skilled immigrant with practical advice and an opportunity to build the networks that are critical to a successful job search. City mentors benefit from an opportunity to develop their leadership and communication skills and gain an understanding of the experiences of skilled immigrants living in their community. The result for the City of Toronto is a workforce that is more experienced in cross-cultural understanding, and ultimately, creates a more inclusive work environment.


Co-Op Engineering
The Co-Op Engineering program, a partnership between the City's Technical Services Division and the Toronto District School Board's adult education program provided 50 foreign-trained professional engineers with the opportunity to gain Canadian employment experience. The City in turn was provided with a skilled labor pool with which to complete a major data warehousing project related to upgrading the City's water management system. Productivity improved, and 35 new immigrants eventually obtained permanent employment within or close to the city.


Career Bridge
Career Bridge is a paid internship program designed to overcome workplace barriers faced by professionally educated immigrants seeking to build careers in Canada. Career Bridge interns are internationally trained university graduates and professionals who are seeking employment in their fields of expertise in Canada. They represent a variety of professional groups including accountants, MBA's, biochemists, economists, technology specialists, human resources specialists, financial analysts and engineers, and have an average of eight years work experience. Internships usually last from four to six months

The City participated in the pilot program for Career Bridge in early 2004 and hired 2 interns. In 2005, the City committed to hiring 10 interns and exceeded this goal by hiring 11 interns. Managers reported that they were extremely impressed with the experience, skills and professionalism of the interns. Managers also commented that they and the other staff in their work units benefited professionally and personally from the experience. The City plans to participate in this program in 2006 and beyond.

For more information visit the Career Bridge website at www.careerbridge.ca

Wednesday, January 4, 2006


新年過了,開始正常上班,同事都陸續回來,見面總是問候過節好嗎?不少人剛才下飛機,都是從溫暖的地方回來,露著曬黑的皮膚,興奮又驕傲,多倫多人冬天的流行度假方式:到溫暖的南方,或是到高山滑雪,前者被稱為雪鳥(Snow Bird),後者不知道該不該稱作雪人?我真羨慕他們可以常常度假。









Sunday, January 1, 2006


今天跑去 Horseshoe Valley (馬蹄谷) 玩越野滑雪,這是來加拿大之後第二次的嘗試,發現比滑降滑雪簡單多了,而且運動量大,更容易避開人群,享受森林的寧靜。




