Thursday, January 5, 2006


I found the following message in Toronto City government web site. It seems valuable to the new comers. Please have a look. (


Mentoring Immigrant Program: Profession to Profession
In response to employment barriers faced by internationally trained professionals, the City, in partnership with various community agencies, conducts a program that matches experienced professionals of the Toronto Public Service (mentors) with internationally educated immigrant professionals (mentees). Mentors provide advice and guidance to assist the mentees in finding employment in their fields of expertise. The pilot program met its objective, with over 60 percent of the mentees finding suitable employment. Over 91 percent of the mentees said the mentoring relationship was a positive experience for them, and 90 percent of the mentors said they would participate again in the program.

Based on the success of the pilot project, the program has been implemented on a wider scale in 2005 to include additional occupational professions including human resources, financial analysts, purchasing, facilities and real estate. For more information, visit the City’s Mentoring site.

For 2005, forty City staff have been matched with skilled immigrants seeking employment in the same occupation. Meetings take place at the mentor's office during work hours. The goal of the program is to provide the skilled immigrant with practical advice and an opportunity to build the networks that are critical to a successful job search. City mentors benefit from an opportunity to develop their leadership and communication skills and gain an understanding of the experiences of skilled immigrants living in their community. The result for the City of Toronto is a workforce that is more experienced in cross-cultural understanding, and ultimately, creates a more inclusive work environment.


Co-Op Engineering
The Co-Op Engineering program, a partnership between the City's Technical Services Division and the Toronto District School Board's adult education program provided 50 foreign-trained professional engineers with the opportunity to gain Canadian employment experience. The City in turn was provided with a skilled labor pool with which to complete a major data warehousing project related to upgrading the City's water management system. Productivity improved, and 35 new immigrants eventually obtained permanent employment within or close to the city.


Career Bridge
Career Bridge is a paid internship program designed to overcome workplace barriers faced by professionally educated immigrants seeking to build careers in Canada. Career Bridge interns are internationally trained university graduates and professionals who are seeking employment in their fields of expertise in Canada. They represent a variety of professional groups including accountants, MBA's, biochemists, economists, technology specialists, human resources specialists, financial analysts and engineers, and have an average of eight years work experience. Internships usually last from four to six months

The City participated in the pilot program for Career Bridge in early 2004 and hired 2 interns. In 2005, the City committed to hiring 10 interns and exceeded this goal by hiring 11 interns. Managers reported that they were extremely impressed with the experience, skills and professionalism of the interns. Managers also commented that they and the other staff in their work units benefited professionally and personally from the experience. The City plans to participate in this program in 2006 and beyond.

For more information visit the Career Bridge website at


  1. 猴子 ,
    謝謝您的資訊,之前華咨處有Mentoring Programm,但是沒趕上,所以我會再看看相關訊息.
    目前我跟土撥鼠婆婆都在等一月十一日的Adult School的Canex Programm的報名,據說要花四個月時間(一個月上課,三個月Co-op).

  2. 我非常贊成你參加那個Program,能有Co-op的機會非常好,祝福你能報到名,記得早點去卡位。

  3. 這篇還不錯呢!!我叫我爸爸來看^0^

  4. 對方要求只能一月十一日才能報名,所以我們都在等這一天的來臨(大後天)~
